Tigers Eye

Tigers eye stone is a stone of harmonious balanced action that is believed to bring Understanding and Discernment
This stone, with its captivating bands of yellow-golden color through it, is a powerful stone that aids harmony and balance by helping you to release fear and anxiety, it also stimulates taking action to help you to make decisions with discernment and understanding, which are unclouded by emotions. It is known to give you courage, self confidence and strength of will. It enhances creativity and is one of the stones that aid kundalini awakening.
Tiger Eye Tidbits
Although it is not really classified as a quartz crystal, tiger eye could be said to be in the quartz family, as it is a variety of quartz with inclusions of fibers of gold asbestos which gives it the golden color. These stones are profound amplifiers of energy, and will boost the energy of any other crystals you use it with. . All natural golden stones assist you in enhancing your masculine principle which allows you to be balanced, and have a complementary amount of feminine and masculine energy. The fire or solar element in golden stones stimulate your ability to manifest your most ardent desires.
Tiger eye helps you to be more active, mentally & physically. It works within the lower chakras. It stimulates the base chakra, sacral chakra and the solar plexus chakra, where its energy has a very powerful effect. The vibration of ‘the will’… which is the predominant energy of the solar plexus chakra… is strong within Tigers Eye Stone.
-The vibration of this stone’s energy to the solar plexus, or power chakra, makes it ideal for earthy people ; and you may find that it aids you to bring through an psychic gifts you may possess as it may aid you to develop your psychic powers when used at the third eye chakra, but it is not generally a third eye chakra stone.
It’s a great stone to have as a tumbled stone to keep in your pocket during the day, and at night place one under the pillow. It is a strong in aiding you with basic survival needs, and assists you to enhance your strength, and ability to work through difficult times. Keep the stone within your aura, so it will be of benefit to you.
-Tiger eye works strongly within the sacral and is helpful to enhance your creative energy. Its vibration within this chakra will also aid people who are spaced out or who find it difficult to make commitments to doing what needs to be done, as it is a strong stone for spiritual grounding. As a grounding stone, tiger eye also aids you to be calmer and centered which will enable you to take the action needed to be more practical.
Tiger eye is an excellent stone for mediation as its holds the vibration of the Golden Ray. The golden ray is the vibration of Christ consciousness, a state of compassion, grace and unconditional love.
This will aid you to be a force for good within the world, as you integrate the understanding of how to consciously use the light, to aid humanity.
It is also excellent to manifest those things that you desire into your world. It is one of the stones that is powerful to manifest and increase wealth. A great stone for all types of abundance and prosperity, tiger eye is a stone of balance, and will help you to more easily see both sides of any situation. It would be helpful for you to have on you, if you are a negotiator or meditator in any situation. This natural crystal balances the brain, so it may be of benefit to help those who are suffering from mental disease or with personality disorders.
Tigers Eye stone is believed to integrate both hemispheres of the brain, and aid those with scattered energy to resolve any mental conflicts. It helps you to be clearer mentally… and will charge the intellect as it allows you to remain calm and grounded through the changes.
A stone to help you accomplish your goals, especially if you are prone to criticizing your own actions due to experiencing a lack of self worth, tiger eye may help you, as it will infuse you with confidence, brightness and optimism that may relieve these feelings of lack.
Tigers Eye stone is something of a contradiction in many ways. While it is an energizing stone it will calm you. It will ground you, yet allow you to go to the highest levels and make contact with the golden light. It is the balance within the stone that is its most practical attribute.
Tiger’s Eye Gemstone Properties and Metaphysical Meaning
Tiger’s eye gemstone combines the grounding energy of the earth with the elevating energy of the sun. What are the properties of this unique crystal?
A member of the quartz family of crystals, tiger’s eye is a beautiful gemstone found in the United States, Mexico, India, Australia, and Africa. In its natural form it is slightly shiny with fibrous bands of reds, browns, yellows, and golds. Although often appearing with more earthy hues, there are red tiger’s eye and blue tiger’s eye stones as well. What are the benefits of wearing a tiger’s eye crystal as jewelry or meditating with this gemstone?
The Symbolic Meaning of Tiger’s Eye Gemstone
Understanding the meaning of tiger’s eye stones is a matter of looking at the physical properties of this crystal. The deep brown color represents the connection with the grounding, stabilizing, practical energies of the earth. The slight shine and golden hues of this quartz crystal banded with the deeper brown represent a unique bonding with intuitive, creative, solar energy.
What is the result? Tiger’s eye gemstone is a stone of physical manifestation and clarity. It combines the ability to manifest your will in the material world with the aid of earthy perception and practicality, with the self-confidence and positive energy of the sun. Clarity comes from the tiger’s eye crystal’s properties to unite perception and awareness into a coherent, streamlined whole.
Tiger’s Eye Stones for Wandering Minds
The properties of this gemstone are well-suited for those who tend to dream and come up with ideas, but have consistent trouble with actually clarifying and manifesting intentions. Scattered thoughts are brought together, personal talents and abilities are recognized, and a clear path is laid out in order to actually act and accomplish goals with tiger’s eye crystal. Those who could be described as spaced-out can use the metaphysical energy of this stone for grounding and for a realistic, yet very positive, understanding of the material world. Tiger’s eye allows one to discern between wishes and needs. This stone can be placed over the navel chakra for grounding energy.
Other Properties of Tiger’s Eye
The properties of tiger’s eye are not only useful for the dreamers of the world. For the doers and those with a more earthy disposition, this stone can be used to enhance psychic ability and raise vibrations if held over the third eye chakra. Tiger’s eye gemstone has traditionally been considered as a protective stone, like jasper or kunzite crystal, warding of negative energy and ill will for the wearer. It is also good for recognizing the greater beauty found in the world, facilitating a deep appreciation through an awareness of the divine that is found in everyday life.

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