Silver sheen Obsidian

Beyond just blocking negative energies, Silver Sheen Obsidian blocks out all the clutter in your life to help you focus on all that truly matters. It’s great for someone taking on a journey that they know will take a while to come to fruition because it will give the wisdom to remain calm in the storm, and hold fast with patience. It will open the third eye to keen problem solving, and bring forth the inner visionary. By working on the throat it helps us speak our truth smoothly, intuitively, and clearly with sharp persuasive energy.

By connecting the root to the third eye, Silver Sheen Obsidian will imbue a feeling of self-love that will seep into the intuition so that you can give loving advice and energy into any situation. It will remove any fakeness, and dissolve judgment. It is an excellent stone for healers, business executives, entrepreneurs, and anyone that are in it for the long haul.

In meditation, Silver Sheen Obsidian will help you go deep within yourself and view from a perspective of love and intuition. From there you can discover all your hidden talents, and piece them together to manifest your own destiny.


As a stone of rebirth Obsidian is believed to stimulate fertility helping people with depleted libido. By balancing mind chemistry it can help relieve anxiety, depression, and mental disorders. Obsidian is a powerful healer because it is able to reverse the damage done to cells. By regenerating stem cells the body boosts the function of the bone marrow which increases blood health and affects all systems in the body, mainly the heart, and other muscles. Its cellular regeneration enhancing capabilities aids in soft tissue regeneration helping with the accelerated recovery of wounds, sprains, and bruising. Silver Sheen Obsidian also works by harmonizing the metabolism and boosting the immune system. It also blocks electromagnetic radiation helping combat issues like insomnia, headaches, and weight gain that are radiation induced. By helping release energy from the throat it can help treat sore throats, strep throat, issues in vocal cords, larynx and more.


Silver Sheen Obsidian connects us to the energy of mother Gaia, and the intelligence of the ether. Shamanic practitioners in early civilizations believed this divine glass was said to be a portal between the realms. The Maya used it to communicate with other beings. It is believed that staring into an Obsidian mirror will reveal your deepest shadows and go deep within and cleanse your soul. It works through revealing the truth of the self, but with integrity and goodwill. It is known to calm the mind, encourage exploration, and expand consciousness. It also has protective energy so that no dark energies can latch on or manipulate the connectivity. Great to use for astral travel and projection.

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