
With its calming energy, sodalite reduces inflammation in the body, relieving inflammatory conditions such as headaches and muscle strain. This stone also helps reduce acid in your system to balance the pH in your body.
Sodalite can be used to help support the regulation of blood pressure and eases water retention. Sodalite heals complaints that afflict the throat, larynx and vocal cords, in particular, long-lasting hoarseness. It has a cooling effect and stimulates the absorption of fluids in the body.
​Sodalite balances the metabolism helps calcium deficiencies and cleanse the lymphatic system and its related organs. It boosts the immune system. Sodalite helps with insomnia, throat, vocal cords, larynx and digestive disorders.

Sodalite balances rampant emotions. This is a perfect stone for calming and releasing anger and frustration. Use this stone to help quell emotional outbursts brought on by PMS, menopause or any other hormone-related issues. This stone helps you acknowledge and accept that the emotional issues that you are having are based on the fluctuating levels of the hormones oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone. It assists you in dealing with and expressing these negative emotions in a less aggressive and hurtful manner.
Sodalite encourages detachment from the concerns and worries of everyday life. It can reduce stress and anxiety by allowing you to see your reality from a higher more serene perspective.

Sodalite transmits a clear feeling of who you are and creates a strong antipathy against everything that does not correspond with this identity. It helps you avoid unconscious mechanisms and behavioural patterns,, once you have recognised them as being a hindrance to your development. Sodalite dissolves feelings of guilt and makes it possible to stand up for your own feelings and to live them.
​Sodalite brings emotional balance and eases panic attacks. It will help yo release fear, phobias and guilt. It increases self-esteem, acceptance and trust in yourself. Sodalite brings harmony and purpose into your life. It stimulates trust and companionship.

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