
All minerals growing within the Earth have powerful energies. Many people feel they are attracted or drawn to a particular stone, formation, or colour. Some can feel the tingling of energy when they hold or see the stone that is for them. Belief in the energy of the crystal to be able to ease emotions and rebalance our aura is something that has been around us for thousands of years. So let the crystal call you and let it aid and benefit your life. Wear it, use it as a decoration, or carry it with you daily. We at Lantias hope your crystal finds you, if you need help to choose from your spirit guides, just message us and we will be happy to help.
There are so many different crystals to choose from, the task of selecting which one is best suited for a specific need can be daunting. I always feel that one is naturally drawn or guided to a specific crystal or crystals that are required at any given time.

There are a number of ways to make this choice such as using a pendulum or by seeing which one/s you are drawn to. Another is to read about the properties a specific crystal possesses and how those properties match your requirements. Whatever method one uses I feel trust plays an important part.

There is no right or wrong to choosing a crystal and more often than not more than one crystal of energy will be required to help with an issue.

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