Large Smokey Quartz Cluster


One may connect with this deeply healing and accepting energy at the times that they feel most troubled or enraged. Visualising this beautifully healing pink energy enveloping all the intensity helps to change its vibration and with time one may feel the hold that it once had on them has lessened or gone.
1,300 kg

Smokey Quartz is a great stone for those who are in a pattern of stress, anger, rebelliousness, resentment and intense emotion. These people may be hiding behind these traits, afraid to be themselves. Smokey Quartz can help to absorb and dissipate that destructive energy and help to redirect it towards finding empowerment and lasting change.

It can be positively activated with a loving vibration to help the user soften and gently heal, in particular males or females with excessive aggression. It can help them have deeper more restful sleep. It assists in pinpointing their triggers, often revealing if they are losing precious energy in negative learnt patterns of behaviour. This stone can help to heal the anger that stems from a deep feeling of injustice.

It can therefore be a tool for freedom from binding negativity and can lend a strength and clarity in the users mind of the highest path to resolution. This may not be as effective with defensive personalities and is best embraced by those who seek this change.

One may hold the Smokey Quartz Generator/s and visualise a loving, accepting and forgiving pink vibration coming up from its base and reaching up and out through its apex. When connecting with a sphere, heart or any other shape, one may visualise this loving energy emanating from within the centre of the piece.