Bloodstone Towers (Heliotrope)


Bloodstone is often used to increase courage, motivation, and creative energy. It’s also beneficial for endurance and physical strength. In addition, bloodstone can remove blocks that are keeping us stuck, which can help to revitalize our energy and create a clear path forward.

Availability: 1 in stock

It’s no surprise that where the Bloodstone makes its mark in terms of health and wellbeing is with all things related to the blood and beautiful circulation. One glance at the blood-red shades mingled with a dark green color and you feel strength course through your veins. From blood flow to the bone marrow and even upping the purification levels in your blood, this stone is known for its iron-rich connection to the life force that sweeps through all of us. For those who have any kind of trouble or trauma with the blood, this gem can lend a helping hand and give your immune system a boost.

It is also a stone that is commonly used when dealing with childbirth thanks to its ability to bring strength, courage, and vitality to both mother and baby during the big event. Being in touch with all things related to blood also means that this stone is excellent at helping balance out menstrual issues, getting your cycle back on track, and sifting through problems that arise due to hormones and PMS.


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