Angel Aura Quartz Cluster


Quartz is known as the “master healer” and is extremely powerful at absorbing, storing, releasing and regulating energy. It is the most versatile healing stone amongst all crystals, so when it’s taken through an alchemic process and bonded with other powerful materials, you can only imagine how cosmic things can get when it turns Angel Aura.

Availability: 1 in stock

Just looking at this stone, with all the colours of the rainbow twinkling, how could you not feel overwhelming happiness? Because of its high vibrational energy, Angel Aura Quartz is the perfect stone to help when one may feel emotionally unstable or distressed. This beautiful stone has a very intense, strong energy that cleanses the aura, and stimulates, balances and clears all chakras, integrating the light body into the physical dimension. It might just be what you need.


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